Our values


The seat of Tesi is in the Olivettiane architectures, which have made Ivrea a UNESCO World Heritage Site as the "Industrial City of the 20th Century". Thesis as a founding member of Officine ICO and a member of the Fifth Enlargement Association, wants to be witness and actor of a systemic logic rooted in the territory, for a role of enterprise at the center of the progress of the community..


Reliability and safety

For over 30 years, we have guaranteed a continuous and reliable presence to our customers. We are committed to creating a complete service by interpreting their needs to the fullest, working in synergy..

Smart innovation

We have always combined a careful look at innovation with one aimed at the new frontiers of finance. We are convinced that innovation is the key to creating development, increasing productivity and improving efficiency..


We are a company that believes that the sense of belonging is the investment of investments. The attachment to the working environment is a strong point that can make the individual feel safe within the group.

Sustainability in Tesi


Starting in 2020, we analyzed the Sustanaible Development Goals to understand how we are contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 7 out of 17 are the points on which we have identified significant impacts.

Health and Wellness

What can the company do in terms of Health and Wellness? Adapting spaces to people by promoting natural light inside the office and outdoor air rather than artificial light and air conditioners. Organizing internal training courses on physical and mental well-being.

Quality education

What can the company do to promote quality education? Allow access to an e-learning platform on disparate topics.

Gender equality

How can the company contribute to gender equality? Increase the representation of women. Training and awareness raising on gender equality and on unconscious gender prejudices for staff and decision makers.

Decent work and economic growth

How does the company offer conditions to guarantee decent work and economic growth? Guaranteeing an adequate and fair wage for its workers..

Reduce inequalities

Reducing inequalities How can the company reduce inequalities? Create a safe and inclusive workplace.



Sustainable cities and communities

The company can promote interaction, integration and collaboration with the city, focus on digital documents and encourage teleworking.

Peace, justice and solid institutions

The company can promote a culture of peace and non-violence through respect and freedom of association.


Our sustainability-related posts

Diversità e inclusione


Today we celebrate the World Day of Mismatched Socks

Just like mismatched socks that, if paired, create a unique and special pair, so do different people, if together, have the chance to enrich each other and create a better and more inclusive society.

Diversity is cultural, ethnic, linguistic, gender-based, but it is precisely this being different that allows us to see things in a different light.

Diversity, therefore, as a value and an opportunity.

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Today we celebrate the World Day of Mismatched Socks

Just like mismatched socks that, if paired, create a unique and special pair, so do different people, if together, have the chance to enrich each other and create a better and more inclusive society.

Diversity is cultural, ethnic, linguistic, gender-based, but it is precisely this being different that allows us to see things in a different light.

Diversity, therefore, as a value and an opportunity.

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calzini spaiati4


Today we celebrate the World Day of Mismatched Socks

Just like mismatched socks that, if paired, create a unique and special pair, so do different people, if together, have the chance to enrich each other and create a better and more inclusive society.

Diversity is cultural, ethnic, linguistic, gender-based, but it is precisely this being different that allows us to see things in a different light.

Diversity, therefore, as a value and an opportunity.

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Women’s Day
 An opportunity to recall the fundamental contribution that women have made and continue to make to our society.
 💐 Best wishes to all women, today and always.
Best wishes, above all, to all women of Tesi - Ivrea 💐
Today, on the occasion of the Women’s Day, we organized in the company a meeting with a voluntary association born in the wake of the 'Violetta la forza delle donne' project promoted by the community of the Historic Carnival of Ivrea and the Order of the Miller. The Association was founded by some women inspired by the figure of Violetta of the historic Carnival of Ivrea, always symbol of #freedom and of #emancipation
and aims to spread the culture of gender-based violence prevention and provide psychological support and legal advice to women victims of violence.
👉🏼 Anyone wishing to support this important project can do so by visiting the following link:

Watch The spot on YouTube:


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Today 21 March is the World Day of Down Syndrome established by the United Nations in 2011.
The choice of the day is not random, but the day 21 of the third month is a reference to the trisomy of the 21st chromosome that causes Down syndrome.
This day serves to remind us that the process leading to an inclusive society is a path that must be built day by day and requires the concrete commitment of all.
All this also applies in the world of work where it is necessary for everyone to be recognized as an active part of the community.
Having Giacomo in our team is one more reason to celebrate this day.

#human rights

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Sustainability means directing your commitment to the growth and improvement of the quality of life thinking about the well-being of future generations and promoting all those conditions that allow you to create a motivating and positive working environment.
Being green allows the company to be concrete and the three pillars 'People, Prosperity and Planet', summarize a corporate vision that adopts a series of strategies to make it more sustainable.

#sustainability #environmental policy #green

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Earth Day

A proverb of the Native American Indians reads: 'The Earth does not belong to man, it is the man who belongs to the Earth'.

Today, on the occasion of World Earth Day, we must reflect on the urgency of dedicating time and resources to protecting our planet. We want to reiterate our commitment to making the planet a better place. We believe that environmental protection must be at the heart of all our business activities.
Care for the environment is everyone’s responsibility.

We think small gestures are the only way to make a difference.


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Approaching the event that unites the world with a collective heartbeat: the Wings for Life World Run! It is not just a race, it is a wave of energy that overwhelms professionals, enthusiasts and beginners alike.
Without a fixed goal, every step you take is a personal victory, a contribution to a cause close to our hearts: the search for a cure for spinal cord injuries. 
The Catcher Car is our friendly "pursuer", pushing us to push our limits as we celebrate every little triumph together.
We at Tesi - Ivrea are proud to wear sneakers and join this global marathon. We form a team not only to run, but to make a difference, step by step towards a better future.
Join us, #run for those who can’t, and leave your mark!

#WingsForLife #TeamTesi #CorriPerUnaCausa

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An unforgettable day out!

The Wings for Life World Run is over, but the echo of our laughter and the rhythm of our steps still echo.

Thanks to all the members of the Tesi - Ivrea team who participated, demonstrating that together we can make a difference!

In the picture, you can see the tired but satisfied smiles of our team. Every meter we’ve walked, every sweat we’ve ever sweat, has been for a cause that surpasses every personal goal.

We kept up with the Catcher Car and, although it eventually caught up with us, every moment was a celebration of life and solidarity.

We are proud to have contributed to this wonderful initiative and to have run not only for ourselves, but for those who cannot. Our commitment to finding a cure for spinal cord injury and our support will continue well beyond the finish line.

Applause to all the participants and a special thanks to those who supported us. Until the next race, we keep the spirit of Wings for Life alive in our daily lives.

#WingsForLife #TeamTesi #CorriamoInsieme #TesiIvrea

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